The Dutch minimum wage will be increased by 1.2% as of July 1, 2024 after all. The increase is a result of an adopted motion by the Lower House.
The Dutch minimum wage will be increased by 1.2% as of July 1, 2024 after all. The increase is a result of an adopted motion by the Lower House.
Employers’ organizations VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland had discouraged the additional increase, as the minimum wage has already been raised substantially and thus causes sharply rising wage costs.
In 2023, for example, the minimum wage increased by more than 10%. As of Jan. 1 of this year, it increased again by 3.75%. Also, as of that date, the minimum wage was also based on a 36-hour work week. Employees who contractually work more than 36 hours therefore gained more than 3.75% as of Jan. 1, 2024.
The increase in the minimum wage also affects benefits, such as AOW pension and welfare.
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